Inquiry Video

For Inquiry my group and I made a bench as you can see in this video that we were showing what we did step by step on how we built our bench and what we had to find to research what we need for our bench. My highlight was when my group and I didn’t agree on something but then we agreed all together and worked together as a team and our bench came together.



  A Haunted House 

One day there was a girl named Evelyn and she lived with her parents named Michelle, her dad named Dave and her little brother named Henry and they lived in a house that was haunted. It was nighttime and the family were all in the living room watching a movie and spending family time. Then when the movie finished it was time for bed so Evelyn and Henry went upstairs to brush their teeth. 

Once they were done brushing their teeth they went into their bedrooms and put on their pyjamas and got into bed while they waited for their parents to say goodnight. At 12am in the morning Henry woke up in the middle of the night because he had a nightmare about something scary.

Then he couldn’t go back to sleep because he heard some noise coming from downstairs so he then got out of bed and went to investigate. But first before he went downstairs and went into his sister’s room to see if she was awake making the noise that Henry heard but it wasn’t Evelyn because she was fast asleep.

He then went to check his parents room but they were both already asleep after checking in his parents room he then went downstairs and saw that the front door was cracked opened Henry got a little scared but he thought it was just his dad who forgot to lock the door so Henry then checked outside to make sure there was no one outside then closed the door and locked the door and went to check around the house.

Henry heard a noise coming from the living room he went to look but there was nothing there he then looked in the kitchen there was nothing there also until he heard a bang coming from the backyard he looked through the kitchen window and saw a black figure coming towards him he got scared and ran upstairs to his parents room to wake them up.

His parents then woke up and went with him to the kitchen window but the black figure was gone then they went to look around the house one more time before going back upstairs and going back to bed.

The next morning when everyone woke up Henry went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and thought that something was watching him he then looked out the window and saw the same black figure staring at him.

He told his parents but told him to just ignore it and eat breakfast so Henry ate breakfast and just got on with his day with the family.

Crunch Machine

   Activity 1: 20/5 = 4   10/5 = 2  5/5 = 1  15/5 = 3

                 10×3 = 30  8×3 = 24  7×3= 21 9×3= 27

                 16-8= 8    20-8 = 12  12-8= 4  8-8= 0

                 6+5 = 11  10+5=15   8+5= 13  2+5= 7

                 4+5= 9


Activity 2: 6/3= 2 15+21+4= 40  12/3/2=2  50-10-10=30  

                 24/6=4  40+3+7=50 


Area of a triangle

Today in maths I recorded a video showing how to find the area of a triangle and in this video I explain what to do if you need help finding the area of a triangle. Hope that this video helps if any of you guys need help or just want to watch it. Please leave a positive comment on my blog and feel free to check out my blog.